Upcoming events:
Poetry Readings
Sunday Afternoon Teas 3 - 5pm
To further our mission, in 2022 we are holding a quarterly series of poetry readings and open mic, starting on 20th February, 2022. Each session will have a theme.
All are welcome, either to read out an original poem or the poem of another relating to the particular theme, or just attend as a listener. The events are free but registration is essential for each one.
St Kilda Peace Festival & Planetary Healing Artists' 10 Year Anniversary
Sun, 18 Sep 2022, 2pm - 5pm
'Healing the Youth' Exhibition Opening
Planetary Healing Artists' 2022 Awards and Birthday Celebration
Live music, food, festivity & performances
A celebration of spiritual, faith and cultural diversity
Planetary Healing Artists' upcoming exhibition and workshops for Healing the Youth
It is time for the Youth to rise to their best:
Keeping focused on self empowerment through all aspects of life.
Focus on eating high energy healthy foods such as fruit and vegetables .
Connect to Nature by exercising at parks or nature reserves. Take to gardening and growing your own herbs or vegetables.
Sit in meditation each day to clear your mind and allow yourself to become in tune with your innermost peace and inner callings to positive actions, that help yourself and others.
Stand up for what you believe is right! Discriminate with your thoughts, and choose to listen to the positive ones. Focus on gratitude, and ways that keep you uplifted. Be strong and courageous, for you are the future ahead. Nothing can hurt you if you are solid on the inside, as doors open and close in life.
Be your inner sun, let the words, "Keep shining like the Sun" be your Mantra.
Painting - "Be the inner Sun" by Caroline Proctor Acrylic (26x36cm)