Our awards & achievements
2023 ‘Peace Pole Installation Ceremony’ in St Kilda
2023 Peace Pole Installation ceremony was a celebration of the peace pole being installed with messages of peace from various leaders and representatives within the community. Planetary Healing Artists’ Association of Australia Inc working together with Albert Park Rotary Club and supported by City of Port Phillip finally installed a Peace Pole on 26 May 2023, following a peace ceremony dedicated to the pursuit of world peace. It stands as a visual sentinel of peace at St Kilda Foreshore, next to Stoke House, St Kilda. It was planted to create a sacred space for all the community to connect, elevating human consciousness and embracing the oneness of our diverse humanity.
Originating in Japan after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Peace Poles are inscribed with the divinely inspired message of May Peace Prevail on Earth in various languages. Planting a Peace Pole is a way of bringing people together to inspire, awaken and uplift human consciousness for world peace. Peace Poles are now recognized as a prominent international symbol. They remind us to think, speak and act in the spirit of love, peace and harmony, standing in a silent vigil for peace to prevail on our Earth.
2019, 2020 TOYOTA Grants
Thank you Toyota for supporting us with donations to keep our community going.
2019 A Peace Pole Presentation
A Peace Pole presentation at our Annual General Meeting from Silvana Benacchio through her association with Byakko Shinko Kai, a Japanese peace organization promoting world peace for the upliftment and raising of humanity's consciousness.
2018 Ambassador For Peace Award
We got Ambassador for Peace Award from the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) because of our great community work and peacebuilding efforts.
2013 Power of Peace Award
This award is presented to demonstrate a commitment to the values of peace through special contributions. Presented by COMMON (Centre of Melbourne Multifaith & Others Network).